Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Detection Step
Detection step:gh4h This step speaks about the detection design pattern in structural method or approach.Speake about the roles that important to define a pattern The specific relationship that used to detect the pattern. The high tolerance in detection to archive the high recall because the high precision will archive using ML step How extract and calculate the metrices for roles detected for that two patterns have similar structure. How decide the feature have appear in dataset depends of feature selection stepGive this dataset as input for classifier model created by learning step. The output will be classified roles for which pattern belongs.Specific things that recall less than 70% accuracy will taken as FP. Detection step (speak about detection the DP and their roles using highly tolerance design pattern detection approaches based in structure of design pattern and enhancing DPD tool to get all possible result might be DP. Extract selected metrics for this roles and give it to trained model to apply classification.Make comparing and performance and validation for models (FS vs notFS) (OP vs Not OP) (ensemble vs not for SVM, Ann, deep)? The comparative measure accuracy â⬠¦.à · Experiment and the result (I will use two pattern adapter and command to classification similar roles between those patterns , the accuracy will be model result accuracy and comparing the result with benchmark and previous studiesDetection step. The detection phase is divided into two steps: the structural detection design pattern roles step and roles distinguish step. The input in the first step will be the source code that we want to detect design pattern from, and the output is design pattern candidate roles, while the aim of our study distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural aspect the similar roles between two patterns will come out with the same name, the second step input is the candidate roles that are out of the first step and will be entered as input into learned classifier to classify roles according to which design pattern belongs. First step: structural detection Design pattern candidate is a group of classes, each class represents a role in design pattern and these classes connected together with a relationship according to the particular structure of design pattern. The similarities in design patterns occur due to the similarity of the structure of the corresponding patterns (the object-oriented relationship between these classes is same). This similarity leads to the problem of distinguishing between roles in similar structure design pattern that mean every role are corresponding to a role in another design pattern. Though identical in structure, the patterns are completely different in purpose In this step, the input will be the source code, and the output is a data-set that contains design pattern candidate roles associated with class metrics, as shown in figure?. To detect design pattern, we adjusted Tsantalis et al. work to produce similar roles in similar structural design patterns.for example, in state and strategy design patterns, there are two roles that influence the confusion of patterns (Strategy and State, Strategy_Context and State_Context ), the identical roles detected in this step will be under the same label(Strategy /State, Context). We have adapted a Tsantalis et al. approach to detect candidate by extending the definition of a design pattern roles to identify a set of design pattern roles with more tolerance regardless of the false positive and false negative results are permissible in this step that will be covered in next step using learned classifier model. next, software metrics for each design pattern roles produced are calculated and based on the feature selection step in learning phase meticas were selected to present them as features in a dataset, then the dataset normalized to prepare for next step. Second step: distinguishes between patterns have a similarity of structural.In this step, each design pattern role produced in the previous step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in the learning phase in order to determine which design pattern the design pattern role belong to, that the classifier is expert on. each similar structural design pattern roles are classified by a separate classifier with different subsets of features selected by feature selection method to best represent each one of them. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the con- fidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.4.ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âA. Chihada et al.Design pattern detection phase The input of this phase is a given source code and the output is design pattern instances existing in the given source code. To per-form this phase, the proposed method uses the classifiers learned in the previous phase to detect what groups of classes of the given source code are design pattern instances. This phase is divided into two steps, preprocessing and detection.3.2.1. Preprocessing In this section, we try to partition a given system source code into suitable chunks as candidate design pattern instances. Tsanalis et al. [7] presented a method for partitioning a given source code based on inheritance hierarchies, so each partition has at most one or two inheritance hierarchy. This method has a problem when some design pattern instances involving characteristics that extend beyond the subsystem boundaries (such as chains of delegations) cannot be detected. Furthermore, in a number of design patterns, some roles might be taken by classes that do not belong to any inheritance hierarchy (e.g., Context role in the State/Strategy design patterns [1]). In order to improve the limitations of the method presented in[7], we propose a new procedure that candidates each combination of b classes as a design pattern instance, where b is the number of roles of the desired design pattern. Algorithm 1 gives the pseudocode for the proposed preprocessing procedure. Algorithm 1.à The proposed preprocessing procedureInput: Source code class diagrams Output: Candidate design pattern instances1. Transform given source code class diagrams to a graph G2. Enrich G by adding new edges representing parent's relationships to children according to class diagrams3. Search all connected subgraphs with b number of vertices from G as candidate design pattern instances4. Filter candidate design pattern instances that haven't any abstract classes or interfaces 3.2.2. Design pattern detectionIn this step, each candidate combination of classes produced in the preprocessing step is given to each design pattern classifier learned in Phase I of the proposed method in order to identify whether the candidate combination of classes is related to the design pattern that the classifier is expert on. Then, each classifier states its opinion with a confidence value. Finally, if the confidence value of the candidate combination of classes is located in the confidence range of that design pattern, then, the combination is a design pattern, otherwise it is not.Phase One (Intra-Class Level)The primary goal of phase one is to reduce the searchspace by identifying a set of candidate classes for every rolein each DP, or in other words, removing all classes that aredefinitely not playing a particular role. By doing so, phase oneshould also improve the accuracy of the overall recognitionsystem. However, these goals or benefits are highly dependenton how effective and accurate it is. Although some falsepositives are permissible in this phase, its benefits can becompromised if too many candidate classes are passed to phasetwo (e.g. _ 50% of the number of classes in the softwareunder analysis). On the other hand, if some true candidateclasses are misclassified (they become false negatives), thefinal recall of the overall recognition system will be affected.So, a reasonable compromise should be struck in phase oneand it should favour a high recall at the cost of a low precision.Phase Two (Inter-Class Level)In this phase, the core task of DP recognition is performedby examining all possible combinations of related roles' candidates. Each DP is recognized by a separate classifier, whichtakes as input a feature vector representing the relationshipsbetween a pair of related candidate classes. Similarly, to rolesin phase one, different DPs have different subsets of featuresselected to best represent each one of them. Input featurevectors and model training are discussed in section V. The work that we present in this paper is built on the ideas of [11] where the author presents design pattern detection method based on similarity scoring algorithm.In the context of design pattern detection, the similarity scoring algorithm is used for calculating similarity score between a concrete design pattern and analyzed system. Let GA(system) and GB(pattern) be two directed graphs with NA and NB vertices. The similarity matrix Z isdefined as an NBÃâ"NA matrix whose entry SIJ expresses how similar vertex J (in GA) is to vertex I (in GB) and is called similarity score between two vertices (I and J). Similarity matrix Z is computed in iterative way: 0In [11] authors define a set of matrices for describing specific (pattern and software system) features (for example associations, generalizations, abstract classes). For each feature, a concrete matrix is created for pattern and for software system, too (for example association matrix, generalization matrix, abstract classes matrix). This processleads to a number of similarity matrices of size NBÃâ"NA (one for each described feature). To obtain overall picture for the similarity between the pattern and the system, similarity information is exploited from all matrices.In the process of creating final similarity matrix, different features are equivalent. To preserve the validity of the results, any similarity score must be bounded within therange ?0, 1?. Higher similarity score means higher possibility of design pattern instance. Therefore, individual matrices are initially summed and the resulting matrix is normalized by dividing the elements of column i (corresponding to similarity scores between all system classes and pattern role i) by the number of matrices (ki) in which the given role is involved. Tsantalis et al. in [6] introduced an approach to design pattern identification based on algorithm for calculating similarity between vertices in two graphs. System model and patterns are represented as the matrices reflecting model attributes like generalizations, associations, abstract classes, abstract method invocations, object creations etc. Similarity algorithm is not matrix type dependant, thus other matrices could be added as needed. Mentioned advantagesof matrix representation are 1) easy manipulation with the data and 2) higher readability by computer researchers. Every matrix type is created for model and pattern and similarity of this pair of matrices is calculated. This process repeats for every matrix type and all similarity scores are summed and normalized. For calculating similarity between matrices authors used equation proposed in [8]. Authors minimized the number of the matrix types because some attributes are quite common in system models, which leads to increased number of false positives. Our main concern is the adaptation of selected methods by extending their searching capabilities for design smell detection. Most anti-patterns haveadditional structural features, thus more model attributes need to be compared. We have chosen several smells attributes different from design patterns features which cannot be detected by original methods. Smell characteristics (e.g., what is many methods and attributes) need to be defined. On the other hand, some design patterns characteristics are also usable for flaw detection. Structural features included in both extended methods are:associations (with cardinality)generalizationsclass abstraction (whether a class is concrete, abstract or interface).5.2 Pattern Definition Process rasoolPattern definitions are created from selection of appropriate feature types which are used by the recognition process to detect pattern instances from the source code. Precision and recall of pattern recognition approach is dependent on the accuracy and the completeness of pattern definitions, which are used to recognize the variants of different design patterns. The approach follows the list of activites to create pattern definitions. The definition process takes pattern structure or specification and identifies the majorelement playing key role in a pattern structure. A major element in each pattern is any class/interface that play central role in pattern structure and it is easy to access other elements through major element due to its connections. For example, in case of Adapter pattern, adapter class plays the role of major element. With identification of major element, the process defines feature in a pattern definition. The process iteratively identifies relevant feature types for each pattern definition. We illustrate the process of creating pattern definitions by activity diagram shown in Figure 5.3. The activity ?define feature for pattern definition? further follows the criteria for defining feature type for pattern definition. It searches the feature type in the feature type list and if the desired feature is available in the list, it selects the feature type and specifies its parameters. If the catalogue do not have desired feature in the list, the process defines new feature types for the pattern definition. The process is iterated until the pattern definition is created which can match different variants of a design pattern. The definition of feature type checks the existence of a certain feature and returns the elements that play role in the searched feature. The pattern definitions are composed from organized set of feature types by identifyingcentral roles using structural elements. The pattern definition process reduces recognition queries starting definition with the object playing pivotal role in the pattern structure. The definition process filters the matching instances when any single feature type does not match desired role. The definition of Singlton used for pattern recogniton is given below in Figure 5.2. Pattern Definition The pattern definition creation process is repeatable that user can select a single featuretype in different pattern definitions. It is customizable in the sense that user can add/remove and modify pattern definitions, which are based on SQL queries, regular expressions, source code parsers to match structural and implementation variants of different patterns. The approach used more than 40 feature types to define all the GoF patterns with different alternatives. The catalogue of pattern definitions can be extended by adding new feature types to match patterns beyond the GoF definitions.Examples of Pattern DefinitionsWe used pattern creation process to define static, dynamic and semantic features of patterns. It is clarified with examples that how features of a pattern are reused for other patterns. We selected one pattern from each category of creational, structural and behavioral patterns and complete list of all GoF pattern definitions is given in Appendix B. We describe features of Adapter, Abstract factory method and Observer in the following subsections. 5.3.1To be able to work on design pattern instances we need a way to represent them in some kindof data structure. The model used by the Joiner specifies that a design pattern can be defined from the structural point of view using the roles it contains and the cardinality relationship between couple of roles. -We describe a design motif as a CSP: each role is represented as a variable and relationsamong roles are represented as constraints among the variables. Additional variables andconstraints may be added to improve the precision and recall of the identification process.Variables have identical domains: all the classes in the program in which to identify thedesign motif. For example, the identification of micro-architectures similar to the Compositedesign motif, shown in Fig. 3, translates into the constraint system: Variables:clientcomponentcompositeleafConstraints:association(client, component)inheritance(component, composite)inheritance(component, leaf)composition(composite, component)where the four constraints represent the association, inheritance, and composition relationssuggested by the Composite design motif. When applying this CSP to identifyoccurrences of Composite in JHOTDRAW (Gamma and Eggenschwiler 1998), the fourvariables client, component, composite, and leaf have identical domainsWe seek to improve the performance and the precision of the structural identificationprocess using quantitative values by associating numerical signatures with roles in designmotifs. With numerical signatures, we can reduce the search space in two ways:ââ¬â We can assign to each variable a domain containing only those classes for which thenumerical signatures match the expected numerical signatures for the role.ââ¬â We can add unary constraints to each variable to match the numerical signatures of theclasses in its domain with the numerical signature of the corresponding role. These two ways achieve the same result: they remove classes for which the numericalsignatures do not match the expected numerical signature from the domain of a variable,reducing the search space by reducing the domains of the variables.Numerical signatures characterise classes that play roles in design motifs. We identifyclasses playing roles in motifs using their internal attributes. We measure these internalattributes using the following families of metrics:
Cold War: question and answers Essay
1) The ââ¬Å"iron curtainâ⬠was a dividing line because it was dividing Eastern and Western Europe. Western Europe had more of a democratic form of government where as Eastern Europe was ruled by the Soviet Union. 2) The policy President Truman is suggesting in his speech to Congress is the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine is a policy that stated that the United States would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere. This policy gave $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey. 3) The Secretary of State Marshall suggested this plan(the Marshall Plan) for European recovery so if Europe would come into economic, social, and political damage it would also affect the United States very negatively also. The Secretary of State wanted to avoid those negative affects on the United States. He wanted to avoid the negative effect the European situation would have on the United States economy. 4) The purpose of NATO is to protect North American countries and ten Western European countries from attack by the USSR. The North Atlantic Treaty stated that any and all attacks made against any member of NATO would be considered an attack against them all. Its basic goal waste increase the stability and defense of its member countries. 5) The ââ¬Å"satellitesâ⬠help provide a buffer for the Soviet Union because they can track which invader is coming toward their border or see if any bombs are heading towards the Soviet Union. The ââ¬Å"satellitesâ⬠also act as a buffer but protecting the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union wonââ¬â¢t care about these other countries that will get caught up in war and social and economic upheaval. 6) Khrushchevââ¬â¢s view of U.S. actions are that moves made by the United States such as the ââ¬Å"anti-communismâ⬠movement was used to cover up statements of one power for world domination. The U.S. wanted to have a secure, dominant world power in the capitalist world. In document sic Khrushchev states that the fight for capitalism will lead to another world war. 7) The impact the ââ¬Å"arms raceâ⬠had on the world was countries racing for nuclear weapons/WMD which led to a ââ¬Å"balance of terror.â⬠A lot feared use of these weapons and saw this as a deterrent to war. 8)The basis for President Kennedyââ¬â¢s demand that the missiles be removed from Cuba was that it threatened the peace and security of the United States, Kennedy wanted to stop any chance the missiles could be used against America for any reason. He saw it as a threat to world peace. 9)Krushchev explains that the missiles were placed in Cuba for defensive reasons and to stop any aggression against Cuba. He now explains the missiles could now be removed because there is no chance that Cuba will be attacked by any country in the Western Hemisphere . Essay: How did the Cold War begin and what ââ¬Å"weaponsâ⬠were used to fight this war? The Cold War began at the end of World War II. The Cold War was the conflict between the Communist Nations led by the Soviet Union and the Democratic Nations led by the United States. The entire purpose behind the Cold War was to stop the spread of communism which the United States was against. Communism was thought to corrupt and cripple the entire world. They fought by propaganda, economic war, and constant military clashes. The Cold War started September 3rd 1945 and ended in 1989. When the ââ¬Å"Iron Curtainâ⬠came down in Eastern Europe, as Winston Churchill stated in his speech on March 5th, 1946 as shown in document one, that was when the Cold War began. The Soviet Union made many countries into ââ¬Å"Soviet satellitesâ⬠. A satellite nation is a nation that is effectively dominated by another. The Soviet satellite nations were: Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Soviet Union, East Germany, and Czech. The Untied States wanted for all the European countries to have the freedom to pick their own governments. The war between the two nations escalated quickly when the Soviet Union successfully developed theirà own atomic bomb. It became a ââ¬Å" war of wordsâ⬠, the words was ââ¬Å"weaponsâ⬠. No active shooting was done and no actual weapons were used. It was basically Democratic nations against Communist Nations, a war of words on who had atomic bombs to use against other nations. As stated in document two President Truman believed it was the Untied States duty to support those who are resisting attempted domination. He believed if communism was forced on Turkey or Greece by the Soviet Union, it will have effects that are far reaching to the West. The policy President Truman is suggesting in his speech to Congress on March 12th, 1947 is the Truman Doctrine. The Truman Doctrine is a policy that stated that the United States would support Greece and Turkey with economic and military aid to prevent them from falling into the Soviet Sphere. This policy gave $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey. Secretary of State Marshall gave a speech on June 5th, 1947 explaining his plan for European recovery as expressed in document three. The plan he was suggesting was the Marshall Plan. The Secretary of State Marshall suggested this plan(the Marshall Plan) for European recovery so if Europe would come into economic, social, and political damage it would also affect the United States very negatively too. The Secretary of State wanted to avoid those negative effects on the United States. He wanted to avoid the negative effect the European situation would have on the United States economy. Itââ¬â¢s presented in both documents two and three that President Truman and Secretary of State Marshall had the best interest of the United States and other nations against communism at heart with both their policies. As presented on document four NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty. It was signed by the United States, Canada, and ten other nations of Western Europe in 1948. The purpose of NATO was to protect North American countries and those ten Western European countries from attack by the USSR. The North Atlantic Treaty stated that any and all attacks made against any member of NATO would be considered an attack against them all. Its basic goal was to increase the stability and defense of its member countries. NATO was basically an intergovernmental military alliance against the Sovietà Union and what they stood for which was communism. NATO constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its members state to agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party(any communist nation). In conclusion, the Cold War began because fear of the spread of communism that the United States and West Europe had hated. This prevented chances of negotiations and friendly approach in diplomacy and foreign policy. Another reason on how the Cold War began was grouping of world nations in rival alliances such as NATO and the Warsaw Pact members. The Warsaw Pact members were German Democratic Republic, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and the Soviet Union as shown in document five. The piling up of atomic weapons and picking either the democratic side or the communist side generated suspicion in one another.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
KFC in India Essay
1. Since its entry into India in 1995,KFC has been facing protests by cultural and economic activists and farmers. What are the reasons for these protests and do you think these reasons are justified? Exaplain. During the early 1990s, KFC set up their business at India and they were faced all kind of protests by cultural, economic activists and farmers (The Ecologist, 1995). On the year of 1995, KFC open the first outlet at Bangalore and KFC was among the first fast-food multinational to enter India. One of the case which KFC involved is the municipal food inspectors found that KFCââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"hot&spicyâ⬠seasoning contained nearly three times more mono sodium glutamate (MSG, popularly known as ajinomoto, a flavor enhancing ingredient) than allowed by the Indian Prevention of Food Adulteration Act,1954 (IPFAA) (Ray, Ashis, 1995). According to the IPFAA , fast food restaurants can only contain maximum 1 percent of MSG as a seasoning of the food. Therefore, the KFCââ¬â¢s chicken being sent for food inspectorsââ¬â¢ examination, followed by laboratory tests and analysis. But after all the procedure, they found that KFCââ¬â¢s chicken had exceed the legal MSG limits which is con tained 2.8 percent of MSG. Due to this issue, KFC being chargedà because of ââ¬Å"adulterated, misbranded, and unfit for human consumption. (Ray, Ashis, 1995) After the protests faced at Bangalore, Pepsi Co opened a second KFC outlet in Delhi, the national capital, in October 1995 (Delhiââ¬â¢s Fried Chicken Blues,1995). Within couple of weeks of launch, KFC in Delhi had to stop its business as health officials canceled its license on November 1995 due to coating mix imported from United States contained sodium aluminium phosphate(SAP), which was hazardous to human health. Meanwhile, KFC was able to proved that SAP was used in small quantities in the baking powder and was not harmful. And the KFC had won the case and resumed back its business.(Delhiââ¬â¢s Fried Chicken Blues,1995) After all the protests had been settle down, the activist from Delhi against taking up another issues about the hygiene conditions of the restaurant. Due to an inspection by food inspectors found flies buzzing around the kitchen and garbage cans just outside the restaurant premises. Because of the issue, the Delhi KFC outlet was closed within 23 days of reop ening. From the cultural and economic activists and farmers perspective, KFC will also bring numerous disadvantage towards them if KFC start up their business at India. Nationalists also feared a culture invasion; environmentalists and farmers felt grain consumption by cattle for meat production would be detrimental; and nutritionists highlighted the consumption of fast food will increase the rate of obesity, hypertension ,heart disease , and cancer. Therefore, they were protest the entry of KFC into their country and they also carry ââ¬Å"boycott KFCâ⬠signs while protest. KFC had experience different kind of issue raised up by the cultural and economic activists and farmers, there are some cases where the KFC should research about India culture before they enter. Most of the protests cases was because of the healthy issues brings to the people after consume the KFCââ¬â¢s chicken (Protest against KFC,2004) Sometimes, many businesses too focus on profit making and did not concern on the consumerââ¬â¢s healthy. Therefore, KFC have to follow the legal requirement of the food in order to sustain their business in India. On the others hand, most of the farmersà protest is because they feared that the fast-food chain will affect its local agricultural environment (Narasimhan, Shakuntala,1996). All this is about ethical of business, KFC should not serve a food which is contained unhealthy ingredient and they must also concern more on the economy growth at India. 2. PETA has been protesting against KFC in India since the last 1990s. What are the reasons for PETAââ¬â¢s protests against KFC and how did KFCââ¬â¢s management react to them? Do you agree with PETA that KFC has been cruel toward the birds and hence it should leave India? Based on this case study, we found out that KFC in India faced severe protests by People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), an animal rights protection organization. The reason for PETAââ¬â¢s protest against KFC was primarily due to the inhumane treatment the chickens faced on KFC farms and released a video tape showing the ill-treatment of birds in KFCââ¬â¢s poultry farms. Pilgrimââ¬â¢s Pride (PP) is one of KFCââ¬â¢s award-winning supply operations and the second largest processor of chickens in the United States. PETAââ¬â¢s investigations in Pilgrimââ¬â¢s Pride poultry farm brought to light the inappropriate practices that prevailed in KFCââ¬â¢s supplier operations, Yamini Aparna K . Vivek Gupta (2004). In other word PETA found a video exposing KFC supplier abuse chickens by cruel trick and this immediately aroused public attention. In the 4 minute video released by PETA in regards to these allegations, viewers witnessed birds living in overcrowded, crammed warehouses with barely any space to move, vast amounts of chicken carcasses that had died from disease, dirty, injured chickens and the cruel actions towards the animals by the hands of the staff. Besides that, the staff do anything to abuse the chicken, they often cut off their wings, slamming them to the wall, punched them as sandbags, kicked them as football. At slaughter, the chickenââ¬â¢ throats are slit and dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water while they are still conscious.(refer to reference 11) They abuse the chickens alive to death and then gave to outlet frying as delicious fried chicken serve all around the world. Though other fast food organizations such as McDonaldââ¬â¢s and Burger King had already ââ¬Ëuppedââ¬â¢ their standards regarding the treatment of animals, KFC had yet to do so. In these factories and poultry farms, birds were kept in very unhygienic conditions and treated cruelly. However, undeterred byà the protests by PETA and other animal rights organizations, KFC planned a massive expansion program in India,Margaret Scheikowski (2009). According to ââ¬ËPETAââ¬â¢s Fact Sheet of KFCââ¬â¢s Crueltyââ¬â¢, there were six main points of suffering the chickens faced, Dan Mathews, PETA (July 12, 2011). These included; i. Having less than a normal sized piece of paper to live in -This is where the chickens are stuffed by tens of thousands into overcrowded sheds where they hardly find space to move freely. To save space and avoid chicken hurting each other, the sensitive chicken beaks are cut off with hot blade without giving any pain killers. Overcrowding and poor litter quality in the farms also caused painful ammonia burns on the chickens. The injured chickens received no treatment and had to bear the pain throughout their life. ii. Suffering from crippled and deformed legs since birth and dying early from heart attacks as a result of poor breeding methods ââ¬â Birds are fed genetically modified feed in order to accelerate their growth rate. As a result they suffer from ailments such as extreme obesity and fatty livers and kidneys, heart attacks and other problems. iii. Being killed before reaching six weeks of age -This is where the chickens are slaughtered before they are 6 weeks old. At the slaughter house, chickens are hung upside down and transferred through conveyor belts to the killing room fully conscious. iv. Frustrated Workers ââ¬â Due to poor wages and working conditions, employees used the chickens as a means to vent frustrations and alleviate boredom. They twisted the birdââ¬â¢s heads off, spat tobacco into their eyes and mouths, spray-painted their faces, used them as footballs and squeezed their bodies so hard that the birds expelled feces. v. Mistreatment by callous staff and; vi. Receiving little to no veterinary care KFCââ¬â¢s management in response to PETAââ¬â¢s protest was adding more outlets andà the announcement of major developments to the program. They also planned to open more stores in prime locations such as shopping malls in cosmopolitan areas. Vegetarian dishes were also implemented into the menu to cater and attract the mass vegetarian population. However, PETA India wrote a letter to the Managing Director of Tricon Restaurant International, the parent company of KFC, asking them to close their sole KFC outlet in India. But their responses are got no reply. So that, PETA activists decided to protest against KFC by carrying crippled chicken, which represented the birds suffering in the KFCââ¬â¢s farms. PETA claimed that after two years of intensive campaigning to increase animal welfare standards in poultry farms. After analyzing the case study and PETAââ¬â¢s fact sheet, it is clear that KFC are cruel towards their birds and hence should leave India. Moreover, as KFC is s uch a powerful multinational company and with support from the director of marketing of Yum! Restaurants International who assured KFC followed the welfare guidelines and valued Indian law, this outcome was highly unlikely. 3. What is the importance of ethics in doing business? Do you think in the face of fierce competition, business organizations are justified not to support ethical values at the cost of making profits? Why or why not? Justify your answer giving examples. There is no doubt that business ethics plays a more and more important role in modern economy. Ethics can be associated with being fair, honest, and moral and being ââ¬Ëthe right thing to doââ¬â¢. There are many essential benefits to those businesses known for good ethical values (Steven Symes, July 2014). One of the responsibilities of an organization is to make sure that all their actions to the ethical standards provided by the law, the KFC need to follow the rule and regulation at the country. Other than strategy for marketing and management, businesses have considered other elements that play significant roles towards success. One of these important elements is ethics. These organizations tend to be those that attain higher quality staff, staff turnover is low, better image, attract and maintain new and existing consumers and have a greater competitive advantage. Though many businesses try and aim to be both ethical and successful, countless believe it to get in the way of making a profit (VoiceLee1 , October 2013). Depending on which country and state you are in can determine the amount of trouble a company may face with their unethicalà behavior. In extreme cases this may lead to the law being involved which principally takes profits away from businesses and to operate in certain markets, Consumer international (2008). Based on the case study of KFC in India, being a large international company immediately draws attention. Even though domestic businesses in India may not follow the ââ¬Ërightââ¬â¢ ethical procedures, KFC is automatically under the spotlight as locals expect them to follow international standards. In the face of fierce competition, business organizations should have support ethical values whether they believe it will affect their profits or not. For any organization, ââ¬Ëthe customer is always rightââ¬â¢ and are one of the most important factor in keeping the business alive as this is where profits are made. As customers have ethics, if they are not happy, no profits. Laura Costa, Ph.D. (December, 2012) It is highly essential for business organizations to understand the importance of ethics in todayââ¬â¢s world. In order to achieve this, large international companies such as KFC who are expanding their businesses in less develop countries such as India, need to gain understanding of the country culture, regulatory and ecological issues. So that, KFC should work together and partner up with local farmers as well as with their consumers to ensure them they have quality products. Another strategy may also be to implement a farm level guideline and analysis reports for their stakeholders regarding poultry care and handling. Ronald D Francis&Mukti Mishra(2014),pg 56-60. 4. CONCLUSION Finally, we can understand from the case that every business organization should understand the importance of ethics by understanding the culture, regulatory and ecological issues in different countries. KFC should implement a farm level guideline & audit program ââ¬â a program which is industry leading in the areas of poultry care and handling, mainly for their supplier in the broiler industry. Therefore the company need some common principles to guide the behaviors. It is much easier for a company with good moral conducts to build its reputation and win respect from all aspects of a society. KFC has been already gained the reputation of a fast food that continuously provides greasy unhealthy food, so it needs to do something about and shift its positive image back. Reference 1. Yamini Aparna K. Vivek Gupta(2004) KFC in India: Ethical Issues [Online] Available from:[Accessed :17th July 2014] 2. Margaret Scheikowski (2009) Family sues KFC over ââ¬Å"food Poisoningâ⬠. [Online] Available from:[Accessed :17th July 2014] 3. Dan Mathews ,PETA(July 12, 2011). KFC in India Available from:[Accessed :18th July 2014] 4. Schreiner, Bruce (23 July 2005). ââ¬Å"KFC still guards Colonelââ¬â¢s secretâ⬠. Associated Press. Retrieved 19 September 2013. Available from:[Accessed :19th July 2014] 5. VoiceLee1 , October 2013ââ¬â¢KFC in India Case Study Assignment (Ethical Issue) Available :19th July 2014] 6. Consumer international (2008) WCRD 2008 [Online] Available from: http: //www.consumersinternatio 97050 &int1stParentNodeID=89647&int2ndParentNodeID=95043[Accessed :19th July 2014] 7. Laura Costa, Ph.D. (December,2012) Protect You from Harmful Chemicals in Cosmetics and Household Products. [Online] Available from:[Accessed :20th July 2014] 8. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (KFC) IN INDIA(No date) [Online] Available from[Accessed :20th July 2014] 9. Ronald D Francis&Mukti Mishra(2014),pg 56-60â⬠Business Ethicalâ⬠Available from:â⬠¦/business%2520ethics/BECG044.+HTML&source=bl&ots=wKboQnsm4A&sig=4Cd0mvIFlBRz-LMhNMOzZVsx1L8&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jO7LU8z7HIq9ugTB0ILACw&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAg#v=onepage&â⬠¦%2Fbusiness%2520ethics%2FBECG044.%20HTML&f=false[Accessed :20th July 2014] 10. Steven Symes (July 2014), ââ¬ËImportance of Ethical Conduct in a Business. Available from:[Accessed :20th July 2014] 11. video released by PETA or or 12. Ray, Ashis. â⬠KFC Takes On India over MSG,â⬠, September 21, 1995 13. ââ¬Å"Delhiââ¬â¢s Fried Chicken Blues,â⬠, November 24, 1995 14. ââ¬Å"Kentucky Fried Chicken Protest in India.â⬠The Ecologist, November/ December 1995 15. Narasimhan, Shakuntala. ââ¬Å"Tandoori vs Kentucky Fried.â⬠Multinational Monitor, January/ February 1996 16. ââ¬Å"Protest against KFC,â⬠, February 18, 2004
Monday, July 29, 2019
Macy's Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Macy's - Term Paper Example Macyââ¬â¢s over the years has had a long and eventful history to get where it is today. Macyââ¬â¢s was the first retailer to promote a woman to an executive position, making business history. Furthermore, Macyââ¬â¢s, also, pioneered business practices like the one-price system, one price for an item to sell to everyone, and advertising prices for goods in newspapers. Furthermore, the also were the first store to sell tea bags, the Idaho baked potato, and colored bath towels, even the first store to hold a New York liquor license. By 1918, Macyââ¬â¢s was starting to average $36 million in annual sales. And the immigrant employees, in 1924, to celebrate their new American Heritage, organized the first Christmas Parade which featured floats, bands, animals from the zoo and 10,000 onlookers. This became the Annual Macyââ¬â¢s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Macyââ¬â¢s has grown over the years by acquiring other stores and renaming them Macyââ¬â¢s as a way to expand their bra nd. Federated Department Stores (now known as Macyââ¬â¢s Inc.) bought R.H. Macy & Co. in 1994, and then renamed all their regional nameplates to Macyââ¬â¢s and in 2006, Macyââ¬â¢s acquired The May Department Store Company and converted all their regional nameplates to Macyââ¬â¢s. These acquisitions, eventually, led Macyââ¬â¢s to grow to over 800 stores covering virtually every major geographic market in the United States, plus they also have their internet sales through Control of Economic Indicator The economic indicators are controlled by various governmental agencies, such as the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Economic Analysis, and the Bureau of Labor. Most economists and investors pour over the compilation reports from these agencies, like tea leaves, (Steiner, 2009) for any signs of economic improvement. They are looking for trends that will likely increase consumer spending, especially, since nearly 70% of the GDP of the United States is tied up in con sumer spending. There are five main economic indicators that are being looked at to determine if the economy is going to get back on its feet. These five indicators are consumer-related indicators which include: employment, retail sales, personal income and outlays, consumer price index, and new home sales. These five indicators detail consumer spending, sales by retailers, details the amount of inflation or deflation (consumer price index), new residential sales to the public, and the unemployment rate (the higher the unemployment rate, the less likely people are to buy consumer based products, unless they are necessities). The reports are written by the government agencies that compile them, such as the employment situation is written by the Bureau of Labor and has pages upon pages of data showing the amount of employees added to and subtracted from the workforce. Economic Indicator Collection The economic indicators are calculated, after a thorough collection of the appropriate s tatistical data needed to perform the calculation. For example, the Bureau of Labor receives a report from all employers each month which indicates how many employees that was added to an employerââ¬â¢s payroll as well as how employees were removed from the payroll. Then, to get the unemployment rate, the number of unemployed people is divided by the number of employable people. This gives us the percentage of how many people are unemployed currently. But, this unemployment rate can further be broken down into the various industries to see which industries have a higher unemployment rate than
Sunday, July 28, 2019
The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks - Essay Example The "four buildings" that did not collapse instantaneously sustained extensive damage from the rubbles and were finally demolished. At the same time, a different grouping of the same terrorist crashed "American Airlines Flight 77" into the "Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia" (Cable News Network, 2006). The fourth Airline, United Airline Flight 93, crashed into a field near the "town of Shankville in Somerset County, Pennsylvania" (Cable News Network, 2006). Besides the "nineteen hijackers" in the four separate incidences, "two thousand nine hundred and four" other individuals died immediately due to the direct attacks (Cable News Network, 2006). Moreover, the death of not less than one person was reported as a result of the "exposure to the dust" that resulted from the World Trade Centre. Moreover, another twenty persons are missing and assumed dead (Cable News Network, 2007). According to National Commission on Terrorist Attacks, chapter 5, the victims of this incidence were mo stly civilians. According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (2005) som... One building collapsed as a result of the impact of the rubble from the "twin towers" (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). The terrorists took control of the airplanes using "box-cutter knives and knives" where they killed flight attendants, pilot and the passenger s (National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 2004). They used "tear gas" or "pepper spray" to keep passengers out of the "first-class" cabin (Mike, 2004). Bomb threats were made on three of the aircraft, but not on American 77. According to the 9/11 Commission Report, the 'bombs" were probably fake. The 9/11 Commission further established that two of the hijackers had recently purchased "multi-function hand tools." The media as well as individuals gave "contradictory and unconfirmed" information (Michael, 2006). Out of the "two thousand nine hundred and seventy four" fatalities, 246 were aboard the plane, 125 were at the pentagon and 2, 603 were from New York. (Cable News Network, 2006). The 9/11 Commission reported that hundreds were killed instantaneously by the impact while others were trapped in the towers and died after it collapsed. According to the commission, about "eighteen people" managed to escape form the tower before it collapsed. Some people jumped from the "burning towers" and landed on the streets and rooftops of adjoining building many feet below (Dennis and Moore, 2002). Moreover, some people in the tower climbed to the roof in hope of rescue but there were no plan for a helicopter rescue. The doors leading to the roof were locked and severe heat as well as thick smoke engulfed the whole area such that it would have been impossible for a "helicopter to land" (CBS, 2004).
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Forest Laboratories. Pharmaceutical Business Ethics Research Paper
Forest Laboratories. Pharmaceutical Business Ethics - Research Paper Example Food and Drug Administration. They even presented imprecise information and obstructed an FDA inspection regarding the presented data. Forest Lab also unethically encouraged the use of Celexa and Lexapro for pediatric use through off-label promotion, although the medicines were approved for adults only. Discussion The business ethics concerned with the Pharmaceutical Industry is based on the organizational ethics. Business ethics includes the ideology, principles and values that direct and conduct actions and manners in the business world. Every company should build up its own corporate values, implement code of ethics which it will always stand by and endeavor to prevent delinquency both in the individual as well as organizational level (Ferrell, O.C. ââ¬Å"Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Casesâ⬠) The pharmaceutical industry deals with the health and welfare of human beings and hence is a much regulated industry. Every organization in the industry should abide by the standards of business practices and ethics. The functioning of a business should be honest and fair, should maintain quality and safety of the products, and be responsible towards surroundings, health and wellbeing. It should be compliant towards regulatory regulations and make certain that high ethical standards are endorsed, and infringement of law is avoided. It is expected to preserve the utmost level of professionalism and ethical conduct in terms of the communications and transactions with others. Organizations should comply austerely with all measures concerning the handling and stocking up of forbidden and restricted substances (Ferrell, O.C. ââ¬Å"Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Casesâ⬠; Salek.S & Edgar.A. ââ¬Å"Pharmaceutical Ethicsâ⬠). Clearly, an organization should put up with the legislative obligations existing within the countries where it operates its business. The deeds and conduct of both individual employees and the organization as a whole should always be consistent with the regulations existing in the country within which it operates, and be ethical at all times. There have been considerable pains to offer ethical regulation for pharmaceutical industry but there is no collectively established principle for daily resolutions in pharmaceuticals industry practices. There is a requirement for such a worldwide principle which focuses on an organizationââ¬â¢s personal ethics versus that of compliance (Vandenbroucke, P. ââ¬Å"Ethics in Pharmaceutical Business Practice.â⬠). Forest Laboratories paid $313 million as a penalty for the three charges imposed against them. Last year, the U.S. Health and Human Services Department's Office of Inspector General were evaluating if they should bar Forest Labââ¬â¢s Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Howard Solomon, from taking part in central healthcare plans (Krauskopf, L. ââ¬Å"Analysis: After 34 years, Forest's CEO takes standâ⬠). The U.S. agency brought into play an administrative policy under the Social Security Act; which permits the agency officials to exclude corporate managers from health-industry organizations performing trade with the government, if the pharmaceutical organization was found accountable of illegal delinquency (Jones. A. ââ¬Å"Does Forest Labs Case Signal New Era in White-Collar Prosecution?â⬠). The management of Forest Lab stood firmly beside their CEO, claiming that barring him from the industry would be unfair as there were no allegations against him. The government had not succeeded to establish a straight legal or authoritarian infringement against Howard Solomon other than his association with Forest Lab (Forest Laboratories, ââ¬Å"
Friday, July 26, 2019
Historical Developments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Historical Developments - Essay Example This was further intensified when the Royal Proclamation was issued by King George III, prohibiting the colonists to settle beyond the Appalachian Mountains. This was a move to strengthen the British relationships with the Native Americans. Followed by this, there were a number of Acts, namely Sugar Act (1764), Currency Act (1764), Quartering Act (1765) and Stamp Act (1765) increased the duties and taxes of the colonists. When the colonists resisted, these Acts were enforced on them. The Boston Massacre of 1770 ignited the fire between the parties and the colonists used this event to showcase the cruelty of the British. The Intolerable Act (1774) which placed restrictions on meetings and Boston harbor in response to the Boston Tea Party, was a milestone, as it resulted in the colonies forming an Association (First Continental Congress) to boycott British goods in retaliation. The open warfare at Lexington and Concord (1775) resulted in the death of 8 American men and 70 British soldi ers. This was followed by all the 13 colonies meeting to form the Second Continental Congress in May 1775 and George Washington was named the head (Gipson, 1954). Thus the growing grievances of the colonists against the restrictions placed by the British, finally resulted in the American
Thursday, July 25, 2019
How is the dimension of color treated in the cartoon 'Spongebob Coursework
How is the dimension of color treated in the cartoon 'Spongebob Squarepants' (i.e. Is it realistic, or surreal) - Coursework Example The main character of the story, Sponebod Squarepants is given a mix of bright and dull yellow color. When individually assessing the color scheme of the main character, primarily a realistic approach can be observed. The color yellow goes along with the concept of a typical realistic kitchen sponge. Adding to it, the character has been given a dull pattern on the sides of its body. This connects the character to the factual state of a kitchen sponge, which is rubbed and squeezed turning it dull and pale. Though in this aspect there is a realistic approach in the treatment of color, while considering the cumulative visual impact of this character along with other animate and inanimate characters, the approach can be observed to be surreal. Contrasting combinations of colors are quite frequently used all through the cartoon series. The color schemes used in the cartoon are quite uncommon in real life scenario. However, the cartoon being inspired by the underwater world, this surreal approach helps the viewers connect to their own imaginations of a world they have not
Presidential Election of 1796 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Presidential Election of 1796 - Essay Example The knowledge that his ideals were ultimately the hopes of colonists is astounding. It is a man such as this that the colonists needed. His courage is demonstrated by his break from the ultra federalist party and his meteoric rise to be the leader of this country. Further, his diplomatic efforts in France and his intimate workings with Franklin demonstrated his ability to work with all men. Especially during those times, diplomacy was crucial. Additionally he rose through the ranks as Vice President which ultimately gave him much needed experience that I as a voter would require. It is because of his experience that I would have voted for Adams over Jefferson. Remember, during those times, it was not so much education that mattered but rather an ability to lead. Adams demonstrated that he had leadership ability by being a founding father, breaking from the ultra federalist party and being vice president. It is for these reasons that I would have voted for Adams over Jefferson.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Disscision questions american history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Disscision questions american history - Essay Example A separate village, ten miles away, was established due to the large inflow of inhabitants in the town. The villagers were unhappy with the governance of the town and demanded independence from the town. The town authority, however, did not want to lose the fertile taxable province and resented their demand. There was revolt against the ministers appointed by the town from 1672-1688. During this time, three ministers presided over the affairs of the village. During the reign of the fourth minister, there was widespread revolt against the townââ¬â¢s involvement in the affairs of the village. The priests of various New England colonies began to accuse Salem of revolting against the will of God. In 1692, the first traits of witchcraft appeared against these socioeconomic uneasiness, affecting the children. The family of the minister was the first to be deceased. The difference between the town and village and their urge to gain independence were the prime factors in the spread of wit chcraft in the region. (Trask) The US economy would have crumbled if not for the efforts of visionaries like Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Hamilton arrived in the scene of American politics in its nascent stage in 1787. The previous Article was put up for discussion in 1787 by the thirteen states. Hamilton, representing New York, proposed the election of Governors and senators, which were opposed by the other members. A separate constitution was proposed with the powers being vested on executive, judicial and legal branches. Most of the states did not sign on it. At this juncture, Hamilton with James Madison and John Jay wrote 85 essays known as ââ¬Å"The Federalistâ⬠. The essays underlined the importance of the constitution and they played an important part in achieving the support from the states. Hamilton met again in the next convention and persuaded other states to sign on
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
PHL323 social and cutural theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
PHL323 social and cutural theory - Essay Example One can infer from the writings of Benjamin, the idea of language from his point of view. Language was perceived as one of the forms of communication and the idea represented by that language was in no way identifiable with the language itself. To make it simpler, language was considered to be just a medium of communication. It was not a stand-alone system of knowledge as such, but rather a set of symbols that aid in representation of reality. A language was needed to possess inherent meaning. Language, then, became an entity, which existed only if it had a function, in his point of view. One arguable point here was the cases where there were possibilities that a language with grammar, syntax and vocabulary could exist without the function of a desire to communicate. Computer generated poetry and languages were the instances; the question arises whether they can be taken under Benjamin's definition of language without the function of communication or creativity. Computer languages ha d the requisite grammar, syntax and vocabulary and they were used as a set of instructions that were seemingly understood by the computer. Here, there is the case where a live, organic mind communicates with a non-organic entity. Further, the non-organic entity, besides being capable of understanding, was also able to generate the language understandable by an organic entity. Thus, the computer, which was just a box, was able to generate language to communicate. Computers can also communicate with each other, which had been made possible through the advancements in technology. This led to the case where two non-organic entities were able to communicate. In such cases, the meaning and the language were separable. There is also the instance where an organic entity is capable of generating a language without the purpose of communication. It is the uncommunicative language of a mentally ill person. Even though Benjamin clearly stated that language and what was described using a language were not identifiable, it also remained that he believed that language always should communicate something. If something was made, it should have a function and a meaning. If not, it really cannot exist. While considering the circumstance where one language did not make any sense to a person who does not know that language, the purpose of the language to communicate was lost. The language, even though possessed a grammar, syntax and vocabulary, did not mean anything to that person except being conceived as incoherent noise. Language in such cases negotiated with meaninglessness. Benjamin's idea of language extended to include inanimate objects such as lamps too. His idea of language of such objects was their linguistic being, but it was man who could name something other than him. In this context, man was the only entity that possessed the universal language. Thus, man's linguistic being was to name things. But, a language as such did not end with just naming. It was a tool that en abled creation and possession but it in itself was not so. Benjamin finally resorted to the theological ideas such as that of God being the true possessor and so on to arrive at the higher function of language. Many also conceived theology as a means of escape opted by Benjamin when he was not able to go beyond a certain limit about his conception of such mystical thoughts. In one of his works, "On Language as Such and the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Diversity in Sports Essay Example for Free
Diversity in Sports Essay Diversity in sports simply means equal opportunities for every athlete irregardless of gender, color, race, or origin. This is what the true spirit of competition should be all about. Sports should not only involve the white race, Americans, or men but also other races and sex(Jackson 2007). Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. , in his report to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, said that in recent years, diversity in sports has become very evident. In the world of American football, the Indianapolis Colts, coached by an African-American, won a Super Bowl. In baseball, the Chicago White Sox, a multi-racial team managed by Ozzie Guillen, a Latino, and Ken Williams, an African-American, won the World Series in 2005. A year later, the New York Mets, who is managed by a Latino manager and an African-American general manager, almost duplicated the White Soxââ¬â¢ feat, losing only in Game 7 of the National League Championship. This goes to show that moves to diversify sports are moving forward(Jackson 2007). The National Basketball Association (NBA) has led the way in terms of sports diversity by opening its doors to other races. Long ago, the NBA was dominated by Americans or Canadians. Recently, however, one can see the teams drafting players from Europe and recently Asia. The Major League Baseball (MLB) and National Football League (NFL) are likewise starting to provide opportunities for other races which is why spectators would get to see the likes of Alfonso Soriano and Sammy Sossa hitting homeruns here and there(Jackson 2007). Diversity in Sports 4 The NBA: Taking the Lead In Diversity Leading the way as far as diversity in professional sports is the National Basketball Association (NBA). For more than twenty years, the NBA has become the leader in promoting equal opportunities to all races. Here are some NBA diversity facts and figures as reported by The Institute for Diversity in Ethics and Sports(Spears, 2007): 15% of team vice presidents in the NBA are held by colored people, which is the highest in all of professional sports. 79% of NBA players have colors. In 2007, the number of African-American players increased to 75% which is higher than the 73% recorded in 2006. Employment opportunities for colored people at the League offices were at 34 percent, which is 2% higher than the previous year. 39% of professional positions in the League Office are occupied by women. 12 teams in the NBA are handled by African-American coaches. The NBAââ¬â¢s total of 40% still tops all of professional sports. With 53 African-American head coaches, the NBA has more than doubled the number of colored head coaches in any other professional sports. Next in line is the MLB with 25 colored managers. 41% of assistant coaches in the NBA are colored which is the highest so far in the history of the league. Diversity in Sports 5 There are four African-American CEO/Presidents in the league and two other presidents of basketball operations. To date, they are the only people who have held such position in all of professional sports. In 2006, there were eight African-American general managers in the NBA, which tops other professional sports league. By the end of 2006-07, the NBA had 64 percent white referees, 32 percent African-American, 3 percent Latin Americans, and a single black referee in Violet Palmer. Diversity in College Sports While professional sports is heading towards diversity, such is not the case in college sports. According to a report by the University of Central Florida, diversity has not been progressing in collegiate leagues. Here are the facts(Belew, 2006): In Division I schools, only 25. 2% of head coaches are African-American which is higher by 2% than the previous year. In Division IA, out of a total of 119 football head coaches, only six are African-American and zero percent are women. In college basketball, only 4. 1% of head coaches come from the minority group with 2. 6% being Latin Americans. The enforcement of Title IX did not help the cause of women in college sports as not a single one of them is represented. Diversity in Sports 6 In sports involving women, most Division I, II, and III coaching jobs are occupied by 89. 6%, 90. 9%, and 92. 9%, respectively. In the menââ¬â¢s division, the breakdown was 90. 6%, 89. 5%, and 93. 4%, respectively, served as head coaches. Diversity in the Olympics The Olympic Games is one of the many sporting competitions that practices diversity in sports. Once every four years, athletes from various nations converge in one venue in order to have a shot at sports excellence(Guttmann, nd). There are two varieties of this international sporting event namely Winter and Summer Olympics. Contemporary Olympics started in Athens, Greece in 1896, a couple of years after Pierre de Coubertin proposed the holding of an Olympic Games to push for peace in the world. The inaugural Games only had about 300 athletes from less than 15 countries taking part in 43 events in nine disciplines. When the Olympics returned to Athens in 2004, the number of participants had ballooned to 10,000 athletes representing 202 nations vying in 28 various sports(Guttmann, nd). Women In The Olympics During the inaugural Olympics, there were no female athletes who took part in the Games. Four years later, however, golf and tennis allowed the participation of women. In 1912, swimming and diving became available for women athletes as well. Sixteen years later during the 1928 Games, gymnastics and track and field had female athletes likewise. Since then, the number of women competing in the Olympics have considerably increased. At present, fifty percent of all teams are comprised by women, with the exception of the Muslim countries, where female participation is minimal(Guttmann, nd). Diversity in Sports 7 The Paralympics Games In the true spirit of diversity in sports, disabled people can have an opportunity to experience competitive spirit and sports excellence with their own version of the Olympic Games. Introduced in 1960, in conjunction with the Olympic Games in Rome, the Paralympics, as it is called, highlights male and female athletes representing six various disability groups. The emphasis of the Paralympics Games is not on the disability but on individual achievements. Since then, the growth of the event has become steady. From the initial 400 athletes that took part in 1960, a total of 3806 athletes representing 136 nations took part during the 2004 Athens Paralympics Games. Beijing, China will be the cite of the next Paralympics Games(International Paralympics Committee, nd). Conclusion When it comes to sports, not a single nation can dominate all the events. While host nations of the Olympics choose the events where they have the advantage, chances are other nations will beat them in other fronts. This is what diversity in sports is all about. Fairness and equality in the light of competition. References Belew, B(2006 December 17). Diversity in College Sports ââ¬â Coaching. The Biz of Knowledge. Retrieved July 14 2008 from http://www. thebizofknowledge. com/2006/12/diversity_in_college_sports_co_1. html Guttman, A(nd). Olympic Games. Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia. Retrieved July 14 2008 from http://www. encarta. msn. com
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Main Critiques Of Liberal Democratic Model
The Main Critiques Of Liberal Democratic Model One of the most important political ideologies used in the modern era especially by the Western countries is liberal democracy. A liberal democratic state involves of the goals of both liberalism and democracy. This essay will talk about the critiques of liberal democracy explaining the four criteria of liberal democracy and why it works or does not work in the context to the case study countries. In a liberal democratic model, it is necessary to have some basic criteria on liberal democracy. The four criteria that will be explored in relation to the case study countries are multiple distinct political parties, separation of power into different branches of government, an idea of equality and lastly secularism. According to Gordon Smith political parties are, the summation of pluralist tradition. This means political parties are very important because of the role they play in society. Pluralists debate that there should be multiple contenders in opposing centres of power as the power should not rest in one group rather be divided and diffused (Schwarzmantel, 1994:51). Political parties represent the public interests. Likewise, multi- party system creates diversity and competition in turn parties makes efforts and try out to reach to a larger group of people making their policies relevant. It emphasises different groups of interests within the liberal democratic state which prevents any one group from dominating. As each human being have different perspective of looking at the world, similarly each party might have a different interpretation on a policy because of the different ideals and values. The main aim of political parties is to capture state power. This pluralist view applies to a co untry like Russia where they have multi-party system. It is practically accurate to argue that at the national level Russia has attained at least a semi-pluralistic political system, with number of national parties and the strong influence of business interests. On the other hand Elite theory rejects the pluralist theory that power can be diffused and can be divided and spread among different groups of society. Elite theory argues that the power rests in the hands of few, who are wealthy. They assert that the average person cannot be heard because the power is usually concentrated in a few at the top. Democratic elite theorists argued that the decrease in internal party democracy and meeting process did not matter much, so long as competition between parties still give voters the final power. Elite theory says that two-party or multi-party system is usually dominated by an elite. For example in a country like USA elite theory works more than the pluralist theory. United States has two parties unlike the other countries that have multi-party system. In a multi-party system, political parties usually have specialised agenda which in turn represents their interests like environment, labor or business. But in America with a more generalised syst em, the two parties have to please a wider range of people to be elected. Consequently, both parties act neither too liberal nor too conservative. Many people agree that United States has a two-party system but there have been few cases where third party candidate won an election. Third party candidates have to struggle to get elected. The last time when the country saw a third party presented elected was in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln became President. In the view of elite theory they agree with the two-party system in United States as campaigns costs a fortune in this country. In their view the wealth buys the political power by recruiting capable individuals to serve the interests of the ruling class, and by financing the campaigns of politicians and the operation of political parties'(Module guide).Political parties are important for keeping the check and balance of power through peaceful means and are thus important in a liberal democracy. Without having any form of competition t hen from an elitist, then there would be only one outcome and that is whatever the elite considers the best then that will be the decision. In a country to be liberal democratic state power should be divided among different groups so that state cannot rule the masses on their own and the power is distributed among different factions of government. Pluralism critique of the state suggests a solution to how democracies can be realised in large and complex societies and how to achieve popular power and at the same time limit the power of the state. Pluralism is strictly against the totalitarian government. A pluralist society is on in which the decisions are taken by associations of citizens, acting independently of state. They assume state as a neutral actor which helps control conflicts and negotiations among groups. As all groups do not have equal resources or influence as some of the other groups in society, state does not favour any of the group rather remain neutral. Pluralism prefers a federal system of government in which power is divided among executive, legislature and judiciary. So that there is checks and balanc es and no one can misuse the power. Madison advocated a simple logic stating that, grant independent power to the different branches of government, and each member of that branch will have a personal interest in maintaining that power and preventing the other branches from carrying out their repressive designs. It means if the power is distributed among different bodies in the government, no person will be able to impose his or her will. Pluralist theory can apply to a country like France where there is a federal system of government although the executive is body is slightly stronger than that of legislature. However all the power does not rest with the executive, power also lies within the two remaining branches of government, the legislative, and the judiciary. The second critique which describes the state is elite theory. In their view, the separation of power is unimportant within the state because in the end unified elite hold the power. They assert that the elites will always hold power in the society in different forms and their nature will directly determine the properties of society in which they live. The post- war elite theory critique C. Wright Mills argued that important decisions made in United States policy making were most of the times made by unelected power elite. For example, Unites States has a federal system of government in which power is evenly distributed among the 3 bodies of government , namely legislature, executive and judiciary but there certain cases where there are power elite makes the decisions. For instance the head of a big American business corporation or even the President or his appointed staff. On the contrary, Marxist theory argues that economy is the most important element in the society and that the s ociety should grow towards a classless structure with an equal distribution of power. Each citizen should be treated equally irrespective of gender, cast and religion to live in peace. Thus, idea of equality should be present in every country which makes it an important aspect of a liberal democratic country. Marxist Theory can best explain that why there is inequality among countries. Marxists states that unequal distribution of wealth is caused by exploitation in production as well as distribution of wealth. Capitalism and notion of private property creates class differences and unequal distribution of power. Private property maximises the gap between rich and poor. For instance if a person owns a property, he gets to exploit people who dont which leads to other people working for the person who owns the property and can provide them with money. This form of organisation develops two classes, the bourgeoisie or ruling class who control and profit from the system and the working class who are much more numerous. In Marxist view wealth should be equally distributed am ong people. Rejecting this theory of Marxism, elite critiques argue that economic or social class forces do not determine what happens in society rather elites do. Italian writer Vilfredo Pareto criticises Marxists for overlooking the control of elite. For example in a country like America and Nigeria there is a huge income gap between rich and poor due to capitalism. The wealth is concentrated in the hands of elites which gives an adverse effect on the welfare of citizens. Utter poverty for a large percentage of the people of Nigeria is because of the mismanagement of the economy and widespread corruption by political elites. Therefore both the theories can be applied in the countries like Nigeria and United States. All the liberal democratic countries should accept that citizens should not be prevented from practicing their religion and the state is no one to interfere with the religious decisions of citizens or their institutions. Marxist sees religion as a feature only of a class-divided society. The theory argues that whichever class controls the economic production also controls the production and distribution of ideas in society via institutions such as church, education system and the media. For example, France has declared herself as a secular country having divided church and state during the French Revolution. However, over 80% of her citizens claim to be Roman Catholics, on the other hand 10% claim to be Muslim (CIA).In spite of being a secular state France does not allow manifestation of religion in public sphere. In 2004, an anti-religious law passed through legislature that banned the wearing of headscarves, turban, skullcaps, or large crosses in the public schools as (Graham, 109) .Therefore looking at this example of France it can be said that the Marxist theory can describe secularism in France as the person who is ruling is passing all the laws which controls all the power in the government and can influence any law in his favour. Moreover this law in the end can lead to divisions in society. Similarly, Pluralism accepts all the religions in the society and rejects the notion that there can be a single belief in religion or culture. That is, pluralism is a simple recognition of the fact that there are many different faith groups active in the country. Pluralist theory works well in the liberal democratic countries as they demonstrate well about secularism. Pluralist theory works well in religious country like United States which is a multi-cultural society consisting of many religious groups such as Christians, Muslims, Hindus.
Firewall Effects on Network Performance | Evaluation
Firewall Effects on Network Performance | Evaluation In an age where our society relies so heavily on electronic communication, the need for information security is constantly increasing. Given the value and confidential nature of the information that exists on todays networks, CIOs are finding that an investment in security is extremely beneficial. Without security, a company can suffer from theft or alteration of data, legal ramifications, and other issues that all result in monetary losses. [The Best Damn Firewall Book Period] Corporations are realizing the need to create and enforce an information security policy. As aà result, IT professionals are constantly being challenged to secure their networks by installing firewalls that provide more secure [Cisco Security Specialists Guide to PIX Firewall]. Firewalls are essential components in improving network security. Most firewalls are deployed at the edge of the network to filter legitimate traffic, and can be deployed in the core of the network to further supplement and protect the capability of the network and the application running over the network to deliver required services to the end user. Firewalls have become increasingly complex, evolving from offering traditional firewall capabilities to protect networks, to offering application-aware processing of several Internet protocols. Brief literature review: Firewalls are the first front line defense mechanism against intruders ,a firewall system can operate at five of the seven layers of the OSI reference model. However, most firewall systems operate at only four layers: the data link, network, transport, and, possibly, application layers. Based on the simplicity or complexity of a firewall product or solution, the number of layers covered varies. For example, a standard IP access control list (ACL) on a Cisco router functions at OSI Layer 3, and an extended IP ACL functions at Layers 3 and 4. [cisco press cisco router firewall security] Firewalls work by inspecting different fields in headers of the packet, finding the matching rule and doing the action specified in the rule. Common firewalls (and rules) examine at least IP addresses, next protocol type (TCP or UDP) and in case of TCP or UDP their respective port numbers. That usually gives five different variables (source destination address, protocol, source destination port) to work with. [Optimizing firewall performance]. [Performance analysis of the Linux firewall in a host]. As example ,a firewall that operates at only Layers 3 or 4 can filter only on IP protocol information, IP addresses, and TCP or UDP port numbers; it cannot filter on application information such as user authentication or commands that a user enters. Therefore, the more layers a firewall can process information from, the more granular it can be in its filtering process. [cisco press cisco router firewall security] There are many considerations that organizations should include in their firewall selection and planning processes. Organizations need to determine which network areas need to be protected, and which types of firewall technologies will be most effective for the types of traffic that require protection. [ Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy]. In addition, Incorporating a firewall into a network structure is likely to increase processing and even create bottlenecks [Evaluation of Firewall Effects on Network Performance] ,whereas Each rule that a firewall has to analyze results in additional processing overhead. This means that the more rules a firewall has, the longer it will take for the firewall to determine whether or not the packet in question may pass through. [Firewalls Overview and Best Practices]. As result Firewalls are one key factor in network performance. If they cant process their rules fast enough then the whole network slows down. [ Optimizing firewall performance] Some studies shows that the firewall is sensitive to the number of rules, the type of filtering, and the transmission rate. The results of our first scenario demonstrate that for each type of filtering, latency increases linearly as the number of rules increase. [Performance analysis of the Linux firewall in a host] Scope and limitation of the study: There are some points may represent the scope and limitation of the study, including: This project focus on evaluating the effect of firewall performance using an OPNET Modeler network simulator and analyzing on different scenarios and to compare the performance impact when firewall applied. This project also focusing on effects of firewall filtering on network performance. In this study we are going to select special type of firewall application firewall The number of workstation is limited which wont exceed 200 nodes. The result will be collected is based on the simulation so may be this result will not be applicable in real hardware. Statement of the research problem: This research reports on the evaluation of using firewall in three different scenarios, which can show the impact of applying the application firewall on the performance of the network. Therefore, the research addresses the following research problem: How can we make trade-off between the security and performance? Essentially I argue that in order to investigate the feasibility of getting the trade-off of using the firewall, its necessary to compare the result when the firewall applied in different scenario, it might be depends on the policy or function nodes. Research questions: To address the research problem identified in the previous section, the following research questions have been designed: What are negative aspects of firewall? What are positive aspects of combined security and performance? What are the effects of firewall in the link utilization? What are the effects of firewall in the Real time application? Research objectives: The main objective of this research is to investigate the impact of firewall policy on the performance of the network. To identify negative aspects of firewall. To determine positive aspects of combined security and performance. To examine the effects of firewall in the link utilization. To identify the impact of firewall in real-time application. To compare the result from different scenario to estimate the effects of policy. Significance of the study: The growing Demand for using firewall by the internet users and companies to provide more protection for them and the influence of apply firewall policy in the network performance gave the impetus for this study. To verify that we propose here three different scenarios, CNTs as the one of the components of MMIC transmission lines to enhance the electrical performance. This material offer some remarkable characteristics for microelectronics applications and their large kinetic inductance (skin effect), long mean free paths, high current carrying capability and high thermal conductivity made them ideal candidates for RF/microwave applications as transmission lines. Research methodology: The research methodology work will go through four stages namely: theoretical stage, data analysis and design stage, lab stage, and evaluation stage. Theoretical stage: The objective of the theoretical stage is to constitute a theoretical frame to enable the success of the lab stage through that frame. Data analysis and design stage: In this stage, all related data obtained in the theoretical stage will be analyzed and then a selection process will be done in order to get the high quality CNT and the right design for CNT-based TLs to be able to accomplish the research questions through synthesis and characterization process. Lab stage: At this stage, firstly, the growth parameters will be optimized by using chemical vapor deposition growth method In order to produce large scale and well-aligned CNTs. Next, the characterization process will be done on the samples. SEM, FESEM, and HRTEM techniques will be used to study the morphology of the samples. XRD and EDEX techniques are used to study the samples crystallographic structures and composition elements in the samples respectively. For electrical characterization, I-V and resistivity measurements using four point probes will be applied for low frequency. Lastly, in the implementation process, the determined high quality CNT will be used to fabricate transmission lines, and then RF characterization will be done using VNA at different frequencies. Evaluation stage: The experimental results are analyzed to evaluate the effectiveness of the new variables in order to get the best CNT for the TLs. Current Stage: For device applications, the orientation of the CNT is particularly important. Therefore currently, the growth parameters are optimized by using chemical vapor deposition growth method and then, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to study the morphology of the samples in order to get large scale and well-aligned CNTs. The fabrication of CNTs on P-type silicon substrates; size 1 cm by 1 cm were done using nickel (Ni) as catalyst. The first process is to remove any impurity and oxidization on the Si substrate surface. The substrate will go through stages of cleaning process, starting with acetone, methanol and then rinsed with deionized water to remove organic contaminants and particles. Then, the Si wafer was cleaned by hydrogen gas to remove natural oxide. Next, a thin Ni film was deposited on a substrate as catalyst using Electron-Beam evaporator and the substrate was placed on alumina boat before placed inside a double-heater TCVD. The first heater was set at 1000Ãâà °C to decompose methane, while the second was set at 800 to 1000Ãâà °C for pre-treatment of the catalytic film. As A. Awang Teh et. al. proposed [41] a precursor of ammonia and methanol solution at ratios of 5:8 was used to enhance the growth of CNT in methane ambient. The second heater was first switched in flowing Argon at 100 sccm. When the temperature of the second heater reached setting point and stayed stable, first heater was then switched on and methane gas was flown at flow rate of 10-50 sccm. The total growth time of the CNTs varied from 30 to 3 hours. Finally, methane gas was turned off and the furnaces were cooled down to room temperature in flowing Argon at 100 sccm to avoid carbon oxidation. After fabrication is completed, The CNT morphology was examined using SEM. Figures 1- 6 show the growth of CNTs on Si substrate using Ni with different thicknesses and subjected to methane ambient at 850 oC for 2 hours. One of the first things to note is that the catalyst thickness affects the diameter and density of the CNT. The catalyst film thicker, the larger diameter and more density CNT we can get. Also, it can be seen clearly this relationship from the SEM results shown in fig.11 to 14. Furthermore, from the SEM image shown in figure 4 the least nickel or carbon nanoparticles protrude from the nanotubes was observed. These conductive nanoparticles cause electrical shorts between interconnects for device fabrication. For this reason we can consider that the optimum nickel catalyst thickness in our case is 10 nm. A final point to note is that there is no CNT at all in figure 1. It means that the catalyst film thickness is very thin and after recombination the size of catalyst nanoparticles is too small to synthesis CNTs. Another key parameter to affect CNT growth is temperature gradient. As we can see from the SEM results shown in figures 7-20, by controlling the growth temperature we can increase the growth efficiency and purity. At reaction temperature 900Ãâà °C, the growth of clean CNTs was observed. However, no CNTs were formed when the growth temperature exceeded 900Ãâà °C. Instead, amorphous carbon was observed on the surface of the substrate. Besides catalyst and temperature gradient, carbon source flow rate also plays an important role in the CNT growth. It can be stand out from experimental results shown in figures 21 to 28 that a higher flow rate will increase the decomposition rate, and consequently the growth rate of CNT. However, when the flow rate of Ni was 10 sccm there is not enough reactant to react with the catalyst and just catalyst nanoparticles were observed. The gas flow rate affects not only CNT density but also nanotubes diameter. The higher gas flow rate, the larger diameter of nanotubes will grow. However, after a critical point, increasing the flow will change the carbon product from CNTs to carbon nano-fibers (CNFs), as it was observed from the result. The last growth parameter we have optimized is syntheses time. From experimental results shown in figures 29 to 32 we can find the relationship between the syntheses time and the length on nanotubes. Longer synthesis time with longer catalyst lifetime, longer CNT we can get. More optimization and characterizations must be done on the samples in order to get well-aligned and density MWCNT, before transmission line fabrication. Preview of the thesis: This thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter One serves as an introduction to this study, providing the theoretical framework, research objectives and significance of the present study. It also offers a brief overview of the methodology that is employed. Definitions and delimitations that map out the boundaries for the present study are also outlined. Chapter Two provides the literature review for this study and serves to develop key issues related to the theoretical framework. The third chapter is on methodology. This study approaches the issues of fabrication, simulation and modulation. The fourth chapter reports the results of the content analysis and discusses the findings. The fifth chapter reviews the research questions and summarizes the thesis. This chapter also provides suggestions for future research. Network Security is one of the most important fields dealing with the Internet. The ability to access and transfer information in a few seconds allows the government, companies, educational institutions, and individuals to accelerate the decision process or simply be informed. However, information can be very valuable and there is a need for better and faster security systems to protect information and networks. Therefore, it is best to limit the number of rules to no more than 30-50. However, for best performance, less than 25 rules are recommended. Also, firewalls process their rule base from the top down. As soon as the firewall finds a rule that applies to a particular packet, the rule is applied and the packet is processed (either allowed to continue or dropped). It is recommended that the most important and most utilized rules should be at the top of the rule list. This prevents the firewall from having to process through a number of rarely used rules to finally get to rules that apply to the majority of the network traffic. Determining the correct order of rules for a particular implementation is an ongoing process. Initially, there is a significant amount of testing and trial-and-error involved in determining the correct order that the rules should be in. Also, the rule base should be reviewed periodically to see if the organizations requirements or network usage has changed that wou ld require the reordering of existing rules as well as adding or removing rules. Finally, one should make sure to keep the number of domain objects in the rule base to a minimum, and also make sure that these objects are kept towards the bottom of the rule base list. Firewalls Overview and Best Practices There are many aspects to firewall management. For example, choosing the type or types of firewalls to deploy and their positions within the network can significantly affect the security policies that the firewalls can enforce. Policy rules may need to be updated as the organizations requirements change, such as when new applications or hosts are implemented within the network. Firewall component performance also needs to be monitored to enable potential resource issues to be identified and addressed before components become overwhelmed. Logs and alerts should also be continuously monitored to identify threats-both successful and unsuccessful. Firewall rulesets and policies should be managed by a formal change management control process because of their potential to impact security and business operations, with ruleset reviews or tests performed periodically to ensure continued compliance with the organizations policies. Firewall software should be patched as vendors provide updates to address vulnerabilities. [ Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy] The firewall can become a bottleneck. All network traffic that passes between the Internet and the DMZ, the DMZ and the private network, and potentially, the Internet and the private network, must be inspected by the firewall. This can result in the firewall becoming a bottleneck and reducing the performance between the network and the Internet.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Quasars Essay -- Essays Papers
Quasars Since their discovery, the nature of quasars has been one of the most intriguing and baffling problems as evidenced by the following quotations: " the problem of understanding quasi-stellar objectsâ⬠¦ is one of the most important and fascinating tasks in all physics" - G.Burbidge and Hoyle. "The quasar continues to rank both as one of the most baffling objects in the universe and one most capable of inspiring heated argument" - Morrison. "The redshift problem is one of the most critical problems in astronomy today" - G. Burbidge. "Quasars still remain the profoundest mystery in the heavens" - Hazard and Mitton. The conventional interpretation of the spectral lines observed in quasars is based on the redshift hypothesis. Three hypotheses have been advanced to account for the supposed redshifts: 1. Cosmological hypothesis; the redshifts are due to the expansion of the universe, 2. Gravitational hypothesis, 3 Local-Doppler hypothesis; in this hypothesis the redshifts are due to the Doppler effect, but the quasars are relatively nearby and have nothing to do with the expansion of the universe. Of these hypotheses, the first one is the most publicized one. One is led to attribute to quasars very many mysterious properties if one assumes the redshift hypothesis to be correct. A patient analysis of the data on quasars over the years has led to the conclusion that the real source of the trouble is in the assumption that the spectra of quasars have redshifts. In the early 1960's quasars were known as 'radio stars' because the method used to discover the first quasars was based on coincidences between a strong radio source and a point-like optical source. Since each radio source was associated with a star it was originally thought that quasars were objects within the galaxy hence the term 'radio stars'. Quasars or quasi-stellar radio source, from the method by which they where originally discovered: as stellar optical counterparts to small regions of strong radio emission. With increasing spatial resolution of radio telescopes the strong radio emission often seemed to come from a pair of lobes surrounding many of these faint star-like emission line objects. The initial method of selection was strong radio emission, and then later any object with blue or ultraviolet excess wa... ... between galaxies, either through direct collisions or near encounters, can be important in turning on a quasar, by dumping fuel onto a black hole. However some quasars look unperturbed, so there may be other, more subtle mechanisms for feeding the black hole. Some of the galaxies we observed don't appear to know they have a quasar in their core. 3. Quasars that are radio quiet are often in elliptical galaxies, not always in spiral galaxies, as previously believed. Advanced instruments planned for Hubble should also help pin down more details. The Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS), to be installed in 1997, and the Advanced Camera, to be installed in 1999, will have coronagraphic devices which will block out the glare of a quasar, allowing astronomers to see closer into a galaxy's nucleus. By viewing galactic structures in infrared light , the NICMOS should be able to provide important new details about the host galaxies of quasars. The continued study of quasars and the information that it will provide us with may help us to develop a better understanding of space and how we fit in to this great puzzle.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Flying Tigers :: American America History
Flying Tigers Flying Tigers is the name of a mercenary group of American pilots that helped defend China and the Burma Road from the bombing of the Japanese during World War II. The name of their planes was Tomahawks, but the Chinese called them Fei Hu for the sharks teeth painted on their planes. Flying Tigers were known as the American Volunteer Group of the Chinese Air Force. The Flying Tigers did not see combat until December 1941 when the Japanese started bombing China. Jim Gordon, the leader of the Flying Tigers, was running short on pilots after the war had started so he began searching for new pilots. Blackie, one of the volunteers, wanted to be part of the Flying Tigers, but Jim didn't want Blackie. So his wife begged Jim to let Blackie into his group. One day during the Japanese bombing, Blackie's plane caught on fire. He jumped out attached to his parachute, but one of the Japanese planes saw him and shot him. Another volunteer, Woody, joined the Flying Tigers, he wanted to prove to Jim Gordon that he was an expert at flying planes. During the first attack, Jim wouldn't let Woody fly, but Woody flew anyway. When he was aiming for a soldier, he noticed that his plane didn't have bullets and was nearly killed. After that happened, Jim thought Woody would one day be a good pilot because he was brave enough to take on three Japanese planes all by himself with no bullets. When the day of December 7, 1941 hit, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt ann ounced on the radio that Pearl Harbor was bombed which was, "A Day of Infamy," and when Jim heard on the radio he was very disappointed. The next day he decided to bomb Japan to help defend his country by himself, but Woody pretended to be the pilot flying the plane because he wanted to help Jim. When they got to Japan, they were aiming for a train full of Japanese soldiers. They started firing at them and when their plane caught fire, Jim and Woody decided to jump out. Then, all of a sudden, Woody pushed Jim out of the plane and flew the plane directly into the train and sacrificed his life to help Jim and his country.
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